
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

End of gas, everlasting constipation

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

kachoor 250 gram, zeera sfaid 1000 gram, hareer zard 1000 gram, amla 400 gram. baheery 500 gram , black pepper 200 gram, sund 200 gram, cinnamon 100 gram. nashadar teekri 500 gram, malti pisi 200 gram, aniseeds 500 gram, cloves 100 gram, sana maki 1000 gram, carom seeds 300 gram, balck salt 1000 gram, big plum tatari 100 gram, sweet soda 500 gram, namak sheesha 300 gram, aamchoor 1000 grams, tiki mint 100 grams, dry mint 300 grams,sa'at of sat't of mint 50 grams, hareer jalaba, 150, grams

Make the powder of all these things, eat this after having lunch with lukewarm water, this phaki is very useful for acidity, indigestion, constipation which is everlasting, and heart burn. My brothers, friends, old persons and companions! This is the famous item of our shop, we sell it commercially and people buy it by the name of “Karishma Phaki" they send it to their friends, relatives and brothers. This is the tested benificial thing for the shop keepers.

Proven prescription for constipation:

Kala dana ( ishq peicha) , saqmonia, raivandh asara, mosabar, zanjbeel, hareer Jalaba, goundh keekar, take all things in same quantity and prepare the powder, and make the small tablets as the size of channa.

Directions to use: take while going to sleep at night with lukewarm milk, take two tablets if the constipation os too much. Everlasting constipation also finishes with these tablets, and many are benefited by these.

Proven tip for the pain of reeh

black pepper 4 gram musabbar 4 gram, white sohaga 2 grams, carmon seeds kharasani 4 grams, white salt 2 grams, kor tama 4 grams.

Direction to make: grind all the things and make the powder, and use 2 tablets at night time, it us good for the joint pain and the pain of reeh, Many has recovered from this tip, and                                Allah   سبحانہ تعالیٰ  gave health to this who could not even walk and offer namaz. 

Proven tip for hiccups:

malthi, 20 grams, misri 50 grams, cook them in the one quarter of water, when water remains half quarter then give one teaspoon to

patients after half an hour, one patient came to shop and has suffering from hiccup he said that i am worried from last 5, 6 months, solve my problem, I said that I cannot solve this but Allah will slove this Problem and i gave him this.

Best for liver: raiwand khaatai, 50 grams, nashadar teekri, 50 grams, qalmi shora 50 grams , if you are suffering from jaundice, and the hands and feet are burning, it is very fruitful for these problems.

Directions: take one teaspoon in evening and one in the morning with Bazoori syrup, this prescription is also famous of our shop, it end the jaundice and the burning (hotness) of liver.

End all things either its oldest pains or the new hurts (proven)

Amba turmeric 25 grams, maida lakar, 25 grams, mosabar 25 Grams, goundh keekar 25 grams.

Direction: grind them all and make the powder of all these things. Grind it well to be used the paste in good manner, use where the pain is after mixing the required quantity of powder. Insha’Allah after the use of 3 to 4 days the pain will come to an end. Countless patients have recovered from it whoever is given this tip he got benefited. let me tell you an incident, I came after offering the Zohar and servant opened the shop and stand outside , one woman came on motor bike and she told her story she said that i am very much irritated, I said Bibi, what's the matter ?why you are so worried? said that my family says that you act, actually my ankle was injured I took many medicines but did not recovered now my husband and other members of family say that I act this is only a trick not to work, i feel very painful please give me any suggestion, it will be a kindness I gave this tip to her and she recovered by the Grace of Allah, and I got those prays from her mouth which did not think of. 

For Seelan e Rehm (Uterus) (mahjoon):

The prescription is here, whatever type of likoria is, it will be finished. bahi confiture, 100 grams, amla confiture 100 grams, harrer confiture 100 grams, and Apple confiture 100 grams, grind them all after taking out the seeds from inside, the gound kandar 10 grams , goundh dahak 10 grams, cardamom 10 grams, mosli safaid india 10 grams, tamar hindi 10 grams, talia spari, 10 grams, gul pista 10 grams, salahb misri 10 grams, tabasheer naqra 3 grams, kashta marjan 3 igrams. kashta baiza e murg, 3 grams, kashta marganhng, 10 , kashta e khabs alhaded 3 grams, grind all the things and strain them, then cook a paste of the juice of apple and white qand , then mix the confiture and then add powder of gridded things in that paste and leave after mixing.

Directions: eat seven grams, with the lukewarm milk in morning and evening while your stomach is empty. This is also the proven medicine of our shop, Insha’Allah you will be benefited. Many ladies are gaining health through this tip.

Gland of bladder (Proven)

Peeling of reeta 20 grams, kashta hajar alyahood 10 grams. fill the capsules of zero size and take one capsules, in sha Allah you it will be fruitful, readers this is the most important, extract of my experience from this not only one but thousands of patients are being blessed with health by Allah, and friends those who were gaining oxygen artificially in hospital even they are recovered by it, and they got up just after taking the dose for 2 to 3 times, Alhamdulillah,

my uncle are living in the Raheem yar khan, he is 97 years old, doctors said that he is not healthy enough to bear the operation, Suddenly my uncle's brother Anwar Sahib came from Bahawalpur and his son was also with him, the talk started while sitting and he needs to buy the medicine for someone, he said that your uncle is suffering very much, this is the problem, I said Allah will give health, I gave him this medicine and Allah gave him health and he recovered and he did not suffered that illness  again until now.

Second story: once one of my friend catch fever every second or third day, one day I met him ask brother what is reason, what problem you have, he told me, there is gland in my bladder. I will operate it after 10 to 15 days and doctor said that the expenditure will be 25 to 30 thousands. I said you be fine, he said how, I told him above mentioned medicine, Allah blessed him with health, almost after six days he told that he is fine, and now it's about 3 years my friend is perfectly fine.

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